A Bit About Me
As an artist, I find that my imagination is challenged the most when creating art from Found Objects. When these unrelated items are assembled together and joined by various substances, methods, constructs, and Acrylic paint, they take on a new existence as art. I give everyday objects new purpose and meaning by combining them to form an innovative and more singular identity, giving them new beauty and feeling.
One form of art or another has always been a part of my life from a young age. As an adult I created award-winning Fine Woodworking. My ‘working career’ for 30 years as a Computer Systems Analyst/ Programmer utilized my creative ability in the development of software systems. Now retired, I am free to spend my time doing what I most wanted, as an Artist, in my studio Making art.
My main ingredient is Imagination. My work runs the gamut from fanciful and humorous to exciting and evocative, with an objective to rouse feelings within the viewer.
Why the H? My middle name is my Father's first name. He was a visual Artist and a Writer who did not develop his talents fully and did not identify himself with these designations. My creative and artistic talents come from him and I honor his name, memory, and unfulfilled artistic capability, by always including my middle initial in my name as an artist.
Richard H Freund